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Whatever your requirement, be it programming-based or designing-based, or a strategic combination of both, we offer cost-effective solutions.


Our Portfolio


Click on the project name to explore more on it..

CGA Tutor, Canada
CGA Tutor, Canada CGA Tutor, Canada : CGA Tutoring, Canada based in Toronto, Ontario CANADA, tutoring various CGA courses to individuals across the CANADA.
Royal Financial Management INC, Canada
Royal Financial Management INC, Canada Royal Financial Management INC, Canada : A leading financial management organization based in Mississauga, Ontario CANADA, providing financial consultancy to business and individuals across the CANADA.
Victoria 203: Luxury Appartment
Victoria 203 Luxury Apartment Victoria203.com : Flash based Website for Rental apartment in Jalandhar. The Luxury apartment is fully furnished, ready to use, available on rental basis for NRI's visiting in India and for Honeymoon couples.
eBay Store Designs and Item Templates
eBay Templates eBay Store Designs for Home Supplies, UK for their stores in UK, Germany, France eBay websites. The customer is provided with a control panel, where they can create custom item templates using our online eBay template maker control panel.
Travel Blog EPCMS solution for ajit group of newspapers. The CMS based software using PHP-AJAX for quick composition of newspaper website. Facility for Newspaper like view, Unicode Fonts support, multiple editions and newspaper archieve are the salient features of EPCMS.
TRAVEL BLOG PRO.COM : A popular blog for Travellers
Travel BlogTRAVELBLOGPRO.COM is Wordpress CMS based Blog for travelers. The Visitors can sign up to the blog service and post their blogs in various sections. The Various blog entries are monitored for offensive contents.
Desi Sharab WebsiteDESI-SHARAB.COM is Flash based website for German Brewery Company, manufacturing Indian Liquor, exported all over the world..


DAV AYURVEDA EZINE.COM : A Bi-Monthly online health magazine
Travel BlogDAVAYURVEDAEZINE.COM is a Bi-Monthly magazine portal for Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar. The magazine issue is updated dynamically with every new published issue.
QURAN LEARNING .CO.UK : Online learning of Quran using Virtual Classroom Solution
Travel BlogQURANLEARNING.CO.UK A Virtual classroom based website for teaching and learning Arabic language and Quran lessons. The students can sit at their homes and learn quran on internet from expert teachers from different countries. This virtual classroom model can also be used for custom teaching and learning based solutions.
UKAIRPORT CHAUFFEUR . CO.UK : Website for Chauffeur services in London
Travel BlogUKAIRPORTCHAUFFEUR.CO.UK a website for a leading Chauffeur service provider in UK. The client is an official partner for providing Chauffeur services to Virgin Atlantic Airlines Travellers.
ENGLISH JOURNAL .IN : Website for Journal of English Literature
English JournalENGLISHJOURNAL.IN a website for a leading English Journal, dedicated to english literature. The Website allows the authors to upload their papers on the website, which can be downloaded by the editor of the journal via a web based backend interface.
Travel BlogCARSCOUT.CO.UK is a complete portal for buying and selling used cars in uk. The website servers the needs of private and trade sellers of uk. The sellers can upload the advertisements of their cars, whereas the buyers have the opportunity to find the right car for them from a database of thousands of cars. The seemless filters and the postcode distance calculator make this website one of the top rankers in car buying and selling in uk.
Travel BlogCarHunt is a web leacher that searchers the information about the various cars being advertised for sale on different website and generates alerts as and when a new car is advertised on the monitored sites.
DR SANJEEV SOOD.COM : Personal Website for World Renowned Ayurveda Practitioner
Travel BlogDRSANJEEVSOOD.COM a Professional website developed for a renowned ayurvedic practitioner of india. The website is search engine optimised and is bound to get top ranking in search engines like google, aol etc.
FAMOUS PUNJABI .COM : Popular website for listing the famous personalities of Punjab
Travel BlogFAMOUSPUNJABI.COM is international directory of famous punjabise. Punjabise have a peculiar dynamism sense of adventure is in the life style, Always doing new thing with new style taking new pangas and getting success is code of punjabi conduct. This website is saga of Punjabi adventurism and the story of punjabi success.
MEDIA PUNJAB RADIO.COM: Internet Radio Station operated from Germany
Travel BlogMEDIAPUNJABRADIO.COM is Germany's first Punjabi Internet Radio station. Mediapunjabradio provides 24/7 streaming contents to its listeners. The radio station hosts live radio talk shows, call-in programs and also broadcasts relegious Gurbani Shabads from time to time.
PMGHOSPITAL.IN: Website for MAK Welfare Hospital & Trust
Travel BlogPMGHOSPITAL.IN The PMIN&H Trust, P. G. Medical Academy & P. M. G. Hospital, is one of India’s premier Education and healthcare services provider’s and has been providing quality education for last 20 year’s.
NEWSLINE INDIA.COM : Popular News Website in CMS
Travel BlogNEWSLINEINDIA.COM - The complete CMS news portal with user friendly back-end, provision for commenting, blogging, poll and phpbanners. Newslineindia.com is gaining to much popularity in india with a viewership of 1000 people in the first week of its launch .
GNDU PLANNERS . ORG : Alumni Website for GNDU Planning Department
Travel BlogGNDUPLANNERS.ORG An online community forum website for Guru Nanak Dev University Planning department.
SWAMI SANT DASS.COM : Website for Public School
Travel BlogSWAMISANTDASS.COM A completely dynamic website for a leading public school in Jalandhar. The website is updated regularly.
VARINDER.INFO : Website for renowned Journalist
Travel BlogVARINDER.INFO - A professional website developed for a renowned journalist of the daily english newspaper. The site has the provisions for dynamically uploading the new stories as and when they happen.
DAVAYURVEDA.COM : Website for Medical College
Travel BlogDAVAYURVEDA.COM - Website for Dayanand Ayurvedic college, featuring the dynamic magazine and results section with access controlled admin panel facility.